Professors accreditation
General regulation of Ufes (accreditation and reaccreditation of faculty members):The professors of the Postgraduate Program must produce scientific and technological studies with certified value according to the criteria established by the internal and external agencies of monitoring and evaluation in the Posgraduate program.
The professors must be registered in Plataforma Lattes, in CNPq and must maintain it updated reporting their scientific and technological studies at least twice whitin a year (up to June 30th and until December 31st).
The faculty members of the Postgraduate Programs are ranked into two categories: Standing professors and collaborators professors.
After the accreditation of the Postgraduate Program, inclusion, disconnection and the categorizing of the professors which are faculty members, must receive the approval of its colegiate body academic calendar.
The permanence criteria and the professors categorization must be established in the internal policy of each Postgraduate Program taking into account the guidelines of its area of CAPES evaluation.
The categorization of the professors will be made annually.
The accession request of a professor to a Postgraduate program will be formalized by the consent form filling to "Postgarduate program participation" seen in attaches set out in annexes l and ll of the Postgraduate Program general regulation.
Program policy for accreditation and reaccreditation of faculty members:
Establishes requirements and criteria for the accreditation and re-accreditation of the faculty in the Graduate Program in Civil Engineering at the Federal University of Espírito Santo.
The Collegiate of the Graduate Program in Civil Engineering at the Federal University of Espírito Santo, in the exercise of its legal and statutory powers, considering the provisions in Title V, Chapter III of Resolution No. 03/2022 of the UFES Council for Teaching, Research, and Extension, which governs the General Regulation of UFES Graduate Programs, Article 49 § 3 of RESOLUTION CT/UFES No. 13/2022, the Internal Regulations of PPGEC, and the unanimous approval of the plenary regarding the proposed resolution submitted by the Accreditation and Re-accreditation Committee at the Ordinary Session of March 27, 2023,
Article 1 The faculty of PPGEC shall consist of permanent faculty members (DP), young permanent faculty members (JDP), and collaborating faculty members (DC).
Article 2 A minimum of twelve (12) permanent faculty members (DP) shall be required to ensure the proper functioning of the program.
Article 3 The total number of collaborating faculty members (DC) shall not exceed 25% of the total number of permanent faculty members (DP) and young permanent faculty members (JDP).
Article 4 The number of young permanent faculty members (JDP) shall not exceed 30% of the total number of permanent faculty members (DP) and young permanent faculty members (JDP).
Article 5 To be accredited as permanent faculty members (DP) or young permanent faculty members (JDP) in PPGEC, candidates must hold at least a doctoral degree or equivalent, demonstrate scientifically and technologically verified production, and meet the criteria established in this resolution.
Article 6 To be accredited or re-accredited as a permanent faculty member (DP) of PPGEC, the professor must achieve a Qualified Faculty Production Index (PQDA) greater than or equal to 0.7
§ 1 The classification of articles in the A1, A2, A3, A4, B1, and B2 strata shall follow the current QUALIS Journals classification for the Engineering I area.
§ 2 For journals not yet classified in QUALIS Journals, the Journal Citation Reports (JCR) index shall be considered, and the scoring shall follow Table 1 (ANNEX I).
§ 3 Only published articles directly related to the objectives of PPGEC, its research lines, or its areas of concentration shall be counted.
§ 4 Articles co-authored by PPGEC faculty members shall have their points distributed among the authors, with a 20% increase.
§ 5 Articles co-authored with PPGEC students shall receive a 20% score increase.
§ 6 Faculty members shall receive points for indices N_int and N_nac based on full articles published in international and national conference proceedings, respectively, completed within the four-year period and directly related to PPGEC's objectives, research lines, or areas of concentration.
§ 7 Faculty members with one or more books and/or book chapters published within the four-year period and directly related to PPGEC's objectives, research lines, or areas of concentration shall receive a PQ_LIVROS score of 1.0.
§ 8 The verification of published articles shall be conducted via the applicant's Lattes curriculum.
Article 7 Accreditation as a permanent faculty member (DP) or young permanent faculty member (JDP) of PPGEC shall be conducted in March each year.
§ 1 Accreditation applications must include the request form in ANNEX II and demonstrate compliance with the following requirements:
I. Be part of the CNPq Research Group Directories;
II. For DP category only, meet the PQDA index requirements from Article 6, considering the last four years (N = 4) of the applicant's production;
III. Submit a work plan demonstrating research, teaching, and extension capabilities, including the courses intended to be offered and a summary of proposed research projects, which must align with PPGEC's objectives, research lines, or areas of concentration.
§ 2 Accreditation applications shall be reviewed by the concentration area coordinator and approved by the majority of its members, subject to this Resolution's requirements.
§ 3 Following concentration area approval, applications must be approved by the majority of the PPGEC academic collegiate, in accordance with this Resolution.
§ 4 Young permanent faculty members (JDP) may hold this status for a maximum of four years, provided they have not exceeded six years since their doctoral defense. After this period, to remain accredited in PPGEC, they must apply for re-accreditation as DP.
Article 8 Re-accreditation of permanent faculty members (DP) and young permanent faculty members (JDP) shall be conducted biennially, in the middle and at the end of the CAPES evaluation quadrennium, in March, after review by the Accreditation and Re-accreditation Committee and approval by the PPGEC academic collegiate.
§ 1 Re-accreditation applications must include the request form in ANNEX II and demonstrate compliance with the following requirements:
I. Be part of the CNPq Research Group Directories;
II. For DP category only, meet the PQDA index requirements from Article 6, considering the three highest production years from the last four years (N = 3);
III. Maintain a minimum attendance of 70% in PPGEC meetings, except for justified absences;
IV. Participate in at least one PPGEC committee within the last four years (not required for Program Coordinators);
V. Have at least one completed and approved Master's Dissertation supervision or co-supervision within the last four years (not required for faculty accredited for less than four years).
Article 9 Permanent faculty members (DP) who fail to meet re-accreditation requirements in Article 8 shall remain DP until the completion of ongoing supervisions but shall not open new positions in the PPGEC selection process.
Article 10 Each March, an Accreditation and Re-accreditation Committee shall be established, comprising the three PPGEC permanent faculty members with the highest PQDA indices from the most recent re-accreditation. This committee shall review omitted cases and reconsideration requests, submitting decisions to the PPGEC Collegiate for deliberation.
Article 11 This resolution shall be reviewed at the beginning of each CAPES evaluation quadrennium, after the publication of the Engineering I area assessment report, or upon request by the PPGEC Coordination.
Article 12 This resolution takes effect on April 4, 2023, and repeals Resolutions No. 01/2018, No. 01/2021, and No. 01/2022 of PPGEC.