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Library System Access for PPGEC Students

PPGEC students have access to the Integrated Library System of UFES (SIB-UFES), which consists of nine information units distributed across the university’s four campuses. SIB-UFES is coordinated by the Central Library and aims to meet the university’s needs for teaching, research, outreach, and administration by continuously updating its resources to provide current and relevant information.

In response to requests for new bibliographic materials, SIB follows a Collection Development Policy to update its holdings in accordance with the needs submitted by undergraduate and graduate programs. Once these requests are received, they are processed by the library’s technical team and validated by the Núcleo Docente Estruturante (NDE) to facilitate acquisitions.

The Pergamum system, developed by the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná (PUC-PR), is used for managing library collections and interconnects all SIB units. SIB-UFES is equipped with over 100 internet-connected computers and actively participates in the CAPES Journal Portal, a valuable tool for research, especially for stricto sensu graduate programs. Additionally, SIB-UFES is part of several library networks, including PERGAMUM, BIREME, COMUT, BIBLIODATA, REBAP, REBAE, CCN, and ISTEC.

Through UFES’s internal IP network, researchers have unrestricted access to the CAPES Journal Portal, which is the primary research tool for PPGEC and other federal research institutions. Researchers can also access it remotely via SAR (Remote Access Service to the CAPES Journal Portal), established in 2008 through a collaboration between the Office of Research and Graduate Studies (PRPPG), the Data Processing Center (NPD), and the Central Library.

In 2006, UFES launched the Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (BDTD-UFES), which provides full-text access to theses and dissertations from its stricto sensu graduate programs. This repository is integrated with the National BDTD, maintained by the Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology (IBICT), in compliance with CAPES Ordinance No. 13, of February 15, 2006, which mandates that theses and dissertations be submitted in both printed and electronic formats and made available online.

PPGEC students primarily use the Central Library and the Technological Sectoral Library. Notably, 54.6% of SIB-UFES’s collection and 61.7% of its copies are housed in the Central Library. In the last four-year period, an investment of nearly R$3,000,000 significantly improved the library environment, increasing seating capacity to over 800, with tables equipped with electrical outlets for laptops, tablets, mobile phones, and other electronic devices.

Regarding accessibility, a dedicated space was created to support and train individuals with disabilities, featuring assistive technology equipment. Several internal and external structural modifications were made to eliminate architectural barriers typical of older buildings, ensuring accessibility to all areas of the library, especially for individuals with special needs.

The Technological Sectoral Library, located on the Goiabeiras Campus, contains a specialized collection of approximately 3,548 volumes, 1,909 book titles, 652 journals, and 587 theses and dissertations.

Since 2010, PPGEC has been digitizing and making all defended dissertations available in the Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations of UFES and the Technological Center’s Sectoral Library. These dissertations are also available for download on the PPGEC website and can be found in the CAPES Thesis and Dissertation Catalog.

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