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Internal Committees

Scholarship Committee

According to CAPES Ordinance No. 52, dated May 26, 2000, each graduate program must establish a Scholarship Committee, composed of at least three members: the Program Coordinator (Committee President), a representative from the permanent faculty, and a student representative. The Scholarship Committee is responsible for defining the criteria for the distribution, maintenance, and redistribution of scholarships allocated directly to the program.

Currently, the members of the Scholarship Committee are:
- Prof. Marcos Antônio Campos Rodrigues
- Prof. Patrício José Moreira Pires
- Prof. Rudiele Aparecida Shankowski

Scholarship Eligibility Requirements (CAPES, FAPES, and Others)

a) The student must be regularly enrolled.
b) The student must apply through the Scholarship Call for Applications.
c) The student must be fully dedicated to the program's activities (Item I, Art. 9, CAPES Ordinance No. 76, dated 04/14/2010), meaning academic activities carried out within UFES facilities (laboratories, classrooms).

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Av. Fernando Ferrari, 514 - Goiabeiras, Vitória - ES | CEP 29075-910

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