Integração com a graduação

Undergraduate students in Civil Engineering and Production Engineering at UFES have been conducting scientific initiation research under the guidance of PPGEC faculty members, with support from master’s students. This can be verified through the Lattes CVs of the program’s faculty.

PPGEC professors also supervise undergraduate final-year projects in Civil and Production Engineering. This interaction with undergraduate students encourages some of them to pursue research careers, leading them to apply for PPGEC's selection process or other graduate programs across the country.

Currently, around 21 scientific initiation students are involved in PPGEC's different research areas.

Teacher Internship:

In the second semester of 2010, PPGEC introduced the Teaching Internship course, where students enroll in the course under the professor they will be working with. This course is mandatory for CAPES scholarship recipients and optional for other students. This initiative aligns with CAPES recommendations for research scholarships while allowing students to gain teaching experience under the supervision of PPGEC faculty members.

Below are some of the Civil Engineering and other engineering courses at UFES where Teaching Internship students have contributed or could contribute in PPGEC's different research areas:

Civil Construction

  • Course: Building Materials II (Civil Engineering)
  • Course: Construction Planning and Control (Civil Engineering)


  • Course: Steel Structures (Civil Engineering)
  • Course: Geotechnics (Civil Engineering)
  • Course: Soil Mechanics Laboratory (Civil Engineering)


  • Course: Operations Research (Mechanical and Production Engineering)
  • Course: Engineering Economics (Mechanical and Production Engineering)
  • Course: Supply Chain Management (Production Engineering)
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