Institutional exchanges program
The Graduate Program in Civil Engineering (PPGEC) at UFES maintains several institutional collaborations with universities and research institutions, both in Brazil and abroad. These partnerships foster academic exchange and the development of innovative research.
Main Collaborations and Agreements:
International Collaborations
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) - Spain
- Agreement with the Escuela de Caminos, Canales y Puertos de Barcelona
- Participant: Prof. Dr. João Luiz Calmon
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) - Spain
- Partnership with the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) - Brazil
- Supported by Furnas Centrais Elétricas S.A.
- Participant: Prof. Dr. João Luiz Calmon (UFES)
Green Building Information Council - Canada
- Collaboration for the adoption of sustainable building practices in developing countries
- Participant: Prof. Dr. Maristela Gomes da Silva
University of Colorado at Boulder (USA)
- Active agreement since 1999
- Collaboration in engineering projects
Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Géologie - Nancy, France
- Partnership with ECP and ENPC (France) and University of Minho - Portugal
- Participant: Prof. Kátia Vanessa Bicalho
University of Coimbra - Portugal
- Agreement coordinated by Prof. Dr. Walnório Graça Ferreira
International Cooperation Brazil/Germany - CNPq/KFA/DLR
- Academic exchange and research collaboration
Memorandum of Understanding between UFES and the Groupe des Ecoles des Mines (GEM) - France
- Focus on student and researcher exchange
Partnerships with UNICAMP, University of Pittsburgh, and Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology (USA)
- Emphasis on the development of innovative and sustainable products
National Collaborations
State University of Feira de Santana (UEFS) - Brazil
- Project in partnership with PPGEC/UFES
- Coordinators: Prof. Washington Moura and Prof. João Luiz Calmon (UFES)
- Supported by the Foundation for Research and Extension Support (FAPEX)
PUC-Rio - "Casadinho" Project
- Funded by MCT/CNPq/CT-Infra/CT-Petro Call
- Focus on the integrated development of research in Structures, Geotechnics, and Civil Construction
- Strategic partnership to strengthen PPGEC/UFES (CAPES rating 3) with the PUC-Rio postgraduate program (CAPES rating 6)
- Emphasis on studies of unsaturated soils, with regional, national, and international impact
Support for ANTT in the development of an Information and Knowledge Management Model for Land Transport
- Ongoing project to improve information management in the land transport sector
- Team involved: Undergraduate students (7), Master's students (2), Ph.D. student (1)
- Coordination: Marco Antonio Farah Caldas, Anilton Salles Garcia, Gregório Coelho de Morais Neto, and Marta Monteiro da Costa Cruz
- Funding agency: National Land Transport Agency (ANTT)
These partnerships strengthen PPGEC's activities, enabling scientific advancements, knowledge exchange, and the training of highly qualified researchers in various areas of civil engineering.