Type: MSc dissertation
Publication date: 27/04/2022

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Summary: PAGIO, Mariana Zani. Evaluation of properties in the fresh, hardened state and environmental characterization of concretes with the incorporation of FEA dust and Shredder residues. 2022. 165f. Dissertation (Master’s Degree in Civil Engineering) – Graduate Program in Civil Engineering, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Vitória, 2022.
With the accelerated growth of the civil construction sector in search of infrastructure development, the generation of waste and the waste of materials have been major problems worldwide, making sustainability a challenge to be achieved. The steel industry stands out for the large generation of solid waste from the steel production process and has the potential to study the feasibility of these wastes in cementitious matrices, enhancing its use in detriment to the exploitation of raw materials. This dissertation aims to evaluate the influence of the addition of Shredder Soil and Dust from electric arc furnace dedusting at 3% and 10% in relation to the mass of cement, in the fresh state properties (density mass, trapped air content and slump) and hardened (compressive and tensile strength, dynamic modulus of elasticity and leaching test) of concrete. The evaluated results indicate that, in relation to the properties in the fresh state, the two wastes presented similar behaviors according to the addition: there was an increase in workability, decrease in the values of specific mass and increase in the content of trapped air. In the evaluation of the mechanical properties there is a different behavior between the wastes: while the concretes with the EAF powder present performance gains with its addition, in the three tests performed (especially the 3% content, with the best performance of the mixtures produced), the concretes with the Shredder soil present performance loss as the incorporation of the waste occurs, also for the three tests evaluated, and the addition of 10% was the one that presented the lowest results. Finally, in the environmental analysis, all the produced mixtures showed no restriction to use, presenting safe from the environmental point of view.
Key words: concrete; steel waste; mechanical properties.

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