Type: MSc dissertation
Publication date: 26/09/2017

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Summary: Considering the scenario of growth in the motorcycles use, caused by fiscal incentives for individual motorization, a rise above inflation in the cost of public transport use and the low quality of service that has given a bad reputation to this last mode, the objective of this study was to conduct a comparative economic evaluation of the social, environmental and financial impacts of motorcycle and collective public transportation use in the city of Vitória in this new context, in order to provide information for strategies to encourage use of the most sustainable mode, thus reducing the social and environmental impacts of urban traffic. The quantification of travel time, accident propensity, emission of atmospheric pollution and operational costs of both modes was carried out through field research and information collection with public agencies. For comparison it is necessary that the variables to be analyzed are expressed in the same unit, therefore the brazilian currency unit (R$) was chosen, which required the use of monetization, which consists in attributing monetary value to intangible resources by
means of its impacts. Based on the results, it was verified that, referring to user costs, the motorcycle has a competitive financial advantage in relation to public transportation due to its value related to travel time being about 4 times lower. But its costs related to air pollution and the occurrence of accidents far exceed this advantage, making the urban bus of Vitória the most sustainable choice and the mode to be encouraged and invested by the city's management.

Keywords: Motorcycles, Public transport, Public transport, Economic-financial analysis, Environmental impact

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