Type: MSc dissertation
Publication date: 10/07/2017

Summary: A vessel construction cost in Brazil is higher when compared to other countries. To encourage the Brazilian shipbuilding industry, it is permissible to pay and finance a vessel at a higher price, since there are benefits such as job creation and taxes. However, grounded bases have not been adopted so far to arbitrate reference values that may be considered acceptable in order to define the ship's cost of the project by government control bodies and financial agents. This work presents a methodology for the calculation of the reference value for the composition of the construction value of a vessel adopting for this analysis, the linear regression model. The proposed methodology is based on an analogy with the method and norms commonly used in the property valuation market to find an acceptable range of reference values for civil construction. The statistical calculations are carried out with the support of the SISREN program - Neural Networks System, Linear Regression and Statistical Inference, and the results obtained were satisfactory and with statistical coefficients that give adherence to the model.

Keywords Shipbuilding’s Costs, Linear Regression, Vessel Assessment

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