Type: MSc dissertation
Publication date: 29/06/2016

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Summary: The Brazilian government, in 2013, published the Law n. 12815/13, considered by many as a new regulatory framework for the sector. The law in question was created, in principle, to change the relationship between government and stakeholders. In this bias, this dissertation aimed to analyze the main changes resulting from the enactment of the new Law, considering the systemic approach. For this, at a first step, we studied the new Brazilian port legislation, making a comparison with the previous model and highlighting, at the end, its main innovations - categorized in the study as independent variables - in order to define the real problem. In the second step, key stakeholders were identified, and based on the definition of these, it became feasible to determine the main objectives of the new port legislation, in particular as regards the interests of stakeholders - categorized in the study as dependent variables. Subsequently, in a third step, a cause and effect relationship between the independent and dependent variables has been traced. In this context, as a result of the union of theory and practice, it was possible to structure a systemic map of the new law, responsible for identifying the main impacts of Law n. 12815/13 in the port sector as well as demonstrate an exponential growth trend of the sector, due to the changes imposed.
Keywords: Systemic approach; changing of legislation; international laws; systemic map; port regulations.

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